Akouri Commends Lebanese Diva Majida al-Roumi on Speech Delivered at Slain Deputy Gebran Tueini Memorial Service in Beirut
(USA)...Former Washington, DC Advisor John Akouri today commended the speech delivered by Majida al-Roumi, a prominent Lebanese singer with international star power, when she addressed an audience that included much of the Lebanon's political elite.
The occasion was a ceremony in Beirut to commemorate the second anniversary of the assassination of Member of Parliament and journalist Gebran Tueni. Majida honored his memory by being loyal to his penchant for straight talk. With the Tueni family and throngs of others present and on live television, Majida extended a special message to Lebanese politicians pleading “It has been thirty years since we have been standing still, and we are people who deserve to live and refuse to die and I call on all politicians without any exceptions to have mercy and dignity and leave us the people to live in peace.”
Majida berated politicians for engaging in divisive politicking that has exposed the country to meddling from both East and West - and for not having learned anything from the experience. She exposed many of their offenses, including those that have engendered visions of Lebanon and the Lebanese that exclude people because of their background or beliefs. Addressing the intra-Lebanese divisions that she so thoroughly and thoughtfully condemned, "Bikaffe!," (enough in Lebanese) Majida warned, or all the Lebanese martyrs who have died for Lebanon - including, as Majida noted, Hizbullah fighters who have fallen in battle against Israel and Lebanese Army soldiers who gave their lives at Nahr al-Bared - made their sacrifices in vain.
*The speech can be viewed in its entirety below.
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