"We've worked with the United Nations to end the Syrian occupation of Lebanon -- and we will not rest until the Lebanese people enjoy full independence." George W. Bush
President George W. Bush delivers the commencement address during the graduation ceremony at the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York, Monday, June 19, 2006. “As we saw on September the 11, 2001, the actions of a repressive regime thousands of miles away can have a direct impact on our own security," said President Bush. "In this new century, the loss of freedom anywhere is a blow to freedom everywhere. And when freedom advances, people gain an alternative to violence, and the prospects for peace are multiplied and all nations become more secure. So America and Europe have launched bold initiatives to aid democratic reformers across the world, especially in the broader Middle East. We've worked with the United Nations to end the Syrian occupation of Lebanon -- and we will not rest until the Lebanese people enjoy full independence."
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