John Gérard Akouri
About Me
- Name: John Akouri Newsblog
- Location: Birmingham, MI, United States
Councilman John Akouri, former Washington, DC Press Secretary & Capitol Hill Advisor, is President & CEO of the Lebanese American Chamber of Commerce.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
City of Farmington Hills Proclaims Anniversary of Turkish Independence Day
Turkish Independence Day 82nd Anniversary
October 29, 2005
October 29, 2005
WHEREAS, the 82nd anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey is being celebrated by people of Turkish descent in Farmington Hills and throughout the world; and,
WHEREAS, the Turkish Republic was founded by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who directed his armies from his headquarters in Ankara during the three year war of independence, which was officially declared on October 29, 1923. The name Ataturk (Father of Turks) was later bestowed on the country’s national hero by the grateful people of Turkey; and,
WHEREAS, Kemal Ataturk introduced social, educational and cultural reforms that modernized Turkey, liberated Turkish women, and made Turkey a valued member of the community of free nations; and
WHEREAS, Turkey and the United States have a long history of mutual respect and cooperation, and we recognize those of Turkish descent who have contributed to communities across the country, including Farmington Hills.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that I, Vicki Barnett, Mayor of the City of
Farmington Hills, do hereby proclaim October 29, 2005, as the 82nd Anniversary of the Independence of Turkey.
WHEREAS, the Turkish Republic was founded by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who directed his armies from his headquarters in Ankara during the three year war of independence, which was officially declared on October 29, 1923. The name Ataturk (Father of Turks) was later bestowed on the country’s national hero by the grateful people of Turkey; and,
WHEREAS, Kemal Ataturk introduced social, educational and cultural reforms that modernized Turkey, liberated Turkish women, and made Turkey a valued member of the community of free nations; and
WHEREAS, Turkey and the United States have a long history of mutual respect and cooperation, and we recognize those of Turkish descent who have contributed to communities across the country, including Farmington Hills.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that I, Vicki Barnett, Mayor of the City of
Farmington Hills, do hereby proclaim October 29, 2005, as the 82nd Anniversary of the Independence of Turkey.
Friday, October 21, 2005
PUBLIC SCHEDULE of Councilman John Akouri
For the week of Friday, October 21 - Friday, October 28
Friday - October 21, 2005
Gala Bistro Grand Opening in the Historic Cooke Building
Downtown Farmington, MI Pavilion Ribbon-Cutting & Dedication Ceremony
Saturday - October 22, 2005
Farmers Market Scarecrow Contest on Grand River Avenue
1st Annual Harvest Moon Dance at the Pavilion
Sunday - October 23, 2005
Meeting with US Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN), Lansing, MI
Monday - October 24, 2005
City Council Meeting at City Hall Council Chambers
Tuesday - October 25, 2005
Iftar Dinner with Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano, Dearborn, MI
Wednesday - October 26, 2005
Leadership:TROY Community Awards Banquet, Troy, MI
Thursday - October 27, 2005
Farmington Hills Chamber of Commerce EXPO:2005
Farmington Hills Beautification Awards Reception
Friday - October 29, 2005 & Week-End
Turkish American Cultural Association of Michigan Celebration
Shenandoah/Chaldean Halloween Gala, West Bloomfield, MI
Tour & Luncheon with US Army General Mark Montjar

Gala Bistro Grand Opening in the Historic Cooke Building
Downtown Farmington, MI Pavilion Ribbon-Cutting & Dedication Ceremony
Saturday - October 22, 2005
Farmers Market Scarecrow Contest on Grand River Avenue
1st Annual Harvest Moon Dance at the Pavilion
Sunday - October 23, 2005
Meeting with US Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN), Lansing, MI
Monday - October 24, 2005
City Council Meeting at City Hall Council Chambers
Tuesday - October 25, 2005
Iftar Dinner with Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano, Dearborn, MI
Wednesday - October 26, 2005
Leadership:TROY Community Awards Banquet, Troy, MI
Thursday - October 27, 2005
Farmington Hills Chamber of Commerce EXPO:2005
Farmington Hills Beautification Awards Reception
Friday - October 29, 2005 & Week-End
Turkish American Cultural Association of Michigan Celebration
Shenandoah/Chaldean Halloween Gala, West Bloomfield, MI
Tour & Luncheon with US Army General Mark Montjar
Thursday, October 20, 2005
2005 Teen Conference Hosts Delegation of Michigan Council Members, Public Officials

Saturday, October 15, 2005
Excerpts from Text of Speech Delivered by Councilman John Akouri at the Cedar Revolution USA Celebration

Good Evening and Welcome. Father Gregory El-Thom, Mr. Edward Moussawer and Members of Auxilia, Mr. Kamal Shouhayib and Members of the American Druze Foundation, Mr. Hanna Kamel and Members of the Lebanese Forces, Mr. Walid Nassif and Members of Tayar Al-Mustaqbal, Distinguished Members of the National Bloc Party, Mr. Brahim Marji and Members of the Kataeb Party, Mr. Joe Mourani and Members of the Lebanese American Club of Michigan, Senior Counsel to US Rep. John Conyers, Ms. Carol Patton, Senior Advisor to Dearborn Mayor Michael Guido, Mr. Joe Beydoun, Assistant Warren City Attorney Mr. Ronald Popandrea, distinguished leaders, honored guests, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen. The Lebanese reputation for hospitality is known worldwide and I thank you for your kind and warm welcome. It is indeed an honor to be invited to emcee this reception and I feel privileged to address this energetic Lebanese audience. I wish to extend to all of you my sincerest greetings to you and your families in honor of this celebration.
My name is John Akouri, and I am a City Councilman from the great City of Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA. This evening, I am not here representing the interest of any one group or organization – rather, I am present simply as an American of Lebanese descent interested in securing a promising future for our beloved Lebanon. As an elected official and as an American, I am pleased to be able to practice and experience the freedoms of Independence, Liberty, and Sovereignty afforded to me by the framers of our country’s Constitution, but additionally to be able to work towards a truly free, sovereign and independent Lebanese Republic.
Just over 200 years ago in this country, a group of American patriots signed what is today known as the Declaration of Independence. On March 14 of this year, over One Million Lebanese Patriots took to the streets of Beirut in a Cedar Revolution declaring their demand for Independence. If there were a million people in Freedom Square, we know there were millions of others echoing this same declaration from Brazil to France, from Canada to Dubai and from the US to Australia.
“If the spirit of those Lebanese Americans is strong here, imagine what the spirit will be of their relatives and friends in Beirut." - President George W. Bush Although they could not be with us this at this tremendously attended celebration, sincerest greetings are sent to you this night by US Senator Carl Levin and Michigan Congresswoman Candice Miller. This evening is more than just a celebration it is also a tribute. It is a tribute to many people. First and foremost, it is a tribute to the leaders of the Lebanese Information Center who have worked tirelessly in their efforts to release and bring home prisoners of war, lobby our elected officials in the Congress in Washington, DC, bring to light the need for justice and human rights in Lebanon, and preserve our ancestral culture and heritage. I wish to commend the Center and applaud the wisdom, leadership and unrelenting efforts of its founder and our very special guest this evening from our nation’s capital, Dr. Joe Gebeily for what he has done for Lebanon and for all the Lebanese.
And speaking of our nation's capial, let us also call to mind the words of our great President George W. Bush in an interview with LBC when he said: “United States believes in freedom. And we appreciate courage. We appreciate the courage of those who are willing to stand up and say, we want to be free; we want to be a democracy; we want to help establish a government that responds to the people. And you'll have our help.” The president said many Lebanese Americans have been calling upon him to work for a free Lebanon, and added, “If the spirit of those Lebanese Americans is strong here, imagine what the spirit will be of their relatives and friends in Beirut. And Lebanon is a great country, and Lebanon has had a fantastic history. It's also had some difficult days. But I think there is a better day ahead for the people of Lebanon, and I think people, no matter what their politics may be, really want Lebanon to succeed.”
While we are surrounded this evening by many Members of the Press including Mr. Walid Jaadan, President & General Manager of Radio/TV Orient, Ms. Dunia El-Badaoui, Editor of The Voice of Freedom Newspaper and Mr. Karim Haddad, An Nahar/Al Akhbar Windsor Correspondent - tonight as I deliver this message to you, one of their colleagues and a friend of the Lebanese worldwide: LBC Reporter May Chidiac rests in a Hospital in Beirut after an assassination attempt on her life. Let us pause in a moment of solemn prayer to salute this modern day heroine of freedom of speech and expression:

Thank you, God Bless You, Long Live Lebanon and God Bless America, and may she continue to shine as a beacon of hope and democracy for the entire world to see.