Letter to the United States Senate in Support of Judge Henry William Saad

Dear Distinguished Members of the US Senate:
We, the Middle-Eastern American Communities in Michigan are writing you today to voice our support for the nomination of Judge Henry W. Saad to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. We join national leaders and organizations from across the country, including the Arab American Institute, the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, the Arab American Bar Association and others in his support.
As we are certain you are aware, Judge Saad would be the first Arab American to serve on the Sixth US Circuit Court of Appeals. Based upon his professional record, high judicial integrity and outstanding public service, our communities are fully united in the strongest terms of support for his nomination and subsequent confirmation to the Federal court.
Judge Saad has distinguished himself throughout his career by serving his country and the courts with distinction while remaining firmly proud of his heritage. As a result, Arab Americans in Michigan, throughout the nation and across the political spectrum have come to view him with the highest esteem.
The confirmation of Judge Saad is particularly important at this time due to the isolation and lack of acceptance felt by the Arab American community in this post 9-11 world. His confirmation will send a strong message to the country and to the world about the powerful and ongoing contributions of Americans of Lebanese, Arabic, Chaldean and Muslim origin.
We, the undersigned, hold you in the highest regard for your friendship to our communities and we look forward to your support for the nomination of Judge Henry W. Saad to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.
With Sincere Regards,
Ismael Ahmed, Executive Director of ACCESS
John Akouri, Fmr. Press Secretary to US Congressman Joe Knollenberg
Tim Attalla, Esq., Founder, Citizens for Judicial Integrity
Dr. Yahya Basha, Chairman of The American Muslim Council
Dr. Ramsay Dass, President of the American Middle East Christian Congress
Hon. Diane D’Agostini, Judge of The 48th District Court
Warren David, President of the United American Lebanese Federation
Edward Deeb, President & CEO of the MI Food & Beverage Association
Amir Denha, Publisher of The Chaldean Times
Randy Denha, Esq., President of The Chaldean Bar Association
Dr. Haifa Fakhouri, CEO of The Arab American & Chaldean Council
Rami Fakhoury, Esq., Partner, Fakhoury & Lum, PLC.
Ned Fawaz, Founder of the American Arab Chamber of Commerce
Helene Habib, Member of the Arab American Advisory Council to the Governor
Hon. Abdul Haidous, Mayor of the City of Wayne
Imad Hamad, MI Director of The American Arab Anti- Discrimination Committee
Wally Jadan, President & General Manager of Radio & TV Orient
Ali Jawad, Founder of The Lebanese American Heritage Club
Hon. Karen Khalil, Judge of The 17th District Court
Martin Manna, Executive Director of The Chaldean-American Chamber Of Commerce
Turkia Awada Mullin, Esq., Founderof the Arab American Young Professionals
Imam Hassan al-Qazwini, Leader of the Islamic Center of America
Michael Sarafa, Esq., President of the Associated Food Dealers of Michigan
Hon. Suzanne Sareini, Councilwoman for the City of Dearborn
Father George Shalhoub, Pastor of The Basilica at St. Mary’s
Hon. Richard P. Sulaka, Clerk for the City of Warren, MI
Sam Yono, Chairman Emeritus of The Chaldean Federation of America
*(All persons named above have authorized their names to appear on this letter)